Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Two years later I finally got around to watching the HBO miniseries "John Adams". It was outstanding. I was absolutely fascinated. Everything about it was great, the acting, the costumes, the writing, the cinematography, the history, the whole ball of wax.

There were so many aspects to this story that amazed me. For example the wigs and clothes the men wore is beyond comprehension in today's world. The portrayal of George Washington was riveting. I've never seen him move or speak. In my mind George was nothing more than a profile on a dollar bill. Given the medical knowledge of the day, I find myself surprised that the human species even lived through it. And high society in France at the end of the eighteenth century, wow!

I look back on all the time in school spent in history class. I now feel like it was a complete waste. If American History taught in school today is still anything like when I attended, they should trash the whole program. Just show this miniseries, and discuss between episodes. Students will get a far superior understanding of the founding of our country.

I cannot recommend it highly enough. Only rarely do I watch something a second time, but I anticipate that someday I'd love to watch "John Adams" again. Kudos to everyone involved it's creation.

I rate the HBO miniseries "John Adams" at 5 Boos.

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