Holiday Inn (the movie, not the hotel chain)
Continuing our tradition of catching up on classic holiday movies at Christmas time we watched 1942's "Holiday Inn" last night. It stars Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire and is best known as the popular introduction of the song "White Christmas". As old movies go, I liked this one. The acting seems more natural than others I've seen where the old style feels very stiff.
An intriguing aspect of the story is the character Lila who managed to dump both of the leading men basically at the altar. And yet there seems to be no hard feelings. Everybody manages to remain friends. I can only conclude that Lila must have been pretty good in the sack. We watched it on AMC, which edited out all of the naughty bits.
I rate "Holiday Inn" at 3 Boos.
Oh! I believe I saw part of that on Tv as well! very interesting to see Fred Astaire hamming it up alongside Bing and be able to compare the two. And Lila was certainly amusing.
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