Sunday, February 25, 2007

Boo Movies Two Year Anniversary

It was two years ago today, Oscar Day 2005, when I launched Boo Movies. It's been a veritable Kansas prairie of highs and lows since then. At its inception there were two major goals. First, I was trying to understand what this blog phenomenon was all about. Everybody was talking about it back in early 2005, and I just didn't get it. Second, my memory being what it is (crappy), I was looking for a vehicle to help me remember the movies I saw. I love to go to the movies, but two weeks later ask me about what I saw and it's gone. Eureka! I'd start a blog, and keep track of my movie memories. Furthermore, I'd leave Boo Movies open to comments from anybody, just to further explore life in the blog-o-sphere.

It got off to a great start. My very first post, elicited a comment calling me "down right a moron." This was much better than I could have ever hoped for! Unfortunately, comments have slowed down considerably since that start. Sadly, most of the comments I've received have been spam, and I have summarily deleted them. Although the single best moment of the entire blog experience was a comment I received on my review of Wordplay from a member of the cast! (Speaking of Wordplay, it's one of the top two movies I've seen in the last two years, I highly recommend it.)

I'm still intrigued by how people troll the blogs. When I try it myself, random trolling is pretty unsatisfying. Whereas, searching the blogs for a specific topic is equally underwhelming, in that there just don't seem to be many topics where I've been inclined to try to get the pulse of the world via the blogs. There's just too much junk to slog through to make it worth the effort.

Looking back here are some summary statistics of the first two years of Boo Movies. (Check out The Boo Rating System for a refresher on what the ratings signify.)

Boo RatingNumber
of Movies
of Movies
5 Boos23%
4 Boos2335%
3 Boos3045%
2 Boos812%
1 Boo23%
0 Boos12%

I worry that the percentage of 4 Boos movies seems a little high, given that the standard rating should be 3 Boos. Have I perhaps begun rating on an inflated scale? Upon review there are a handful of movies rated at 4 Boos that perhaps I erred on the high side, but not too many. Perhaps I'm just a discriminating movie consumer. Although I'm going to vow to crack the whip moving forward. On the other end of the spectrum, if given another chance, I might have reconsidered the scalding 1 Boo rating I gave Syriana.

So a giant thanks to my many loyal readers,... er, make that loyal reader,... er, make that my wife who might occasionally glance at Boo Movies, and even less occasionally post a movie commentary of her own. Keep those comments coming, and if I see you at the movies, be quiet!



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