Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Oscar Short Films from 2012

This was my third year in a row to see all five of the Oscar nominees for the Best Short Film (Live Action). This has become one of my favorite movie events of the year. Here we go in alphabetical order...

Asad (18 min)
I kept thinking it was going to turn into "The Old Man and the Sea." It did not. I really liked the ending.

I rate "Asad" at 4 Boos.

Buzkashi Boys (28 min)
I've heard about Kabul in the news for years.  During this movie it dawned on me, I've never seen pictures of the place. And I never knew you could play polo with a dead goat. This was my least favorite of the five movies, but it was very well done.

I rate "Buzkashi Boys" at 3 Boos.

Curfew (19 min)
The brother, the sister, the little girl. Loved it! The little girl, Fatima Ptacek, was wonderful.

I rate "Curfew" at 5 Boos.

Death of a Shadow (20 min)
This was so awesome! Dead guy needs his body back, so he steals peoples' shadows as they die.

I rate "Death of a Shadow" at 5 Boos.

Henry (21 min)
I wasn't scared of getting old until I watched this movie.

I rate "Henry" at 4 Boos.

The Boo Movies Short Oscar goes to...  "Curfew"!

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